FREE Tickets for the Spirit of Summer Fair
17 to 20 June, Olympia London
We have just been given a few more, so why not come and see us!
We have gorgeous new summer collections to share with you
AND it could be a FREE day out as we have 25 pairs of tickets
to give away so please just email us
at and we will send them to you!
(first come first served ... of course!)
In The Pink
Suns out ... so we are having a
pink day!
10% OFF Everything in Every Colour
One of the (many) things we love about summer is the chance to add colour
to our wardrobes, and we have oodles of them!
Its easy to shop for any of our gorgeous Layers & Basics,
just choose the colour you fancy or browse from the Brands or by style.
AND as we want you to have as much colour as you wish ....
there is 10% off all orders this weekend.
Just enter COLOUR10 when you check out,
and you have until Monday evening so no rush!
Enjoy your long colourful weekend! ..
Summer Pop In ... we are open today
We are a bit impatient to show you the gorgeous new arrivalsso we are having a POP IN just for one day ... today!
Please Pop In to our offices from 10 am to 2pm and have a coffee,
a chat and a browse. So many lovely tops, t-shirts, knits and dresses
to share with you in the most amazing summer colours
Summers Coming

Its Still Summer!
Its back to T-Shirt weather (and flip-flops??!!??) lucky that we have some
gorgeous ones still in our bargain clearance section!
Last week of our clearance sale ....
some lovely bargains still to be had
PLUS gorgeous layering pieces to take
you through from summer to these chillier days!!
World Cup is nearly over ....
World Cup is nearly over ....
we survived (helped but a little retail therapy!)
at least there will be a few bargain flip-flops around
Popping Up in Twyford, Buckinghamshire
Come and see us this Friday 11 July and Saturday 12 July ...!!
Summer Vests and Camisoles
Vests, Camisoles and more Vests .... essential wardrobe staples for all year round and we have a great selection from just £9 like this gorgeous one from b.young